Sponsored Labs

Thursday, July 11, 2024

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Tackling GI Disease in Small Animals: When, How, and Why to Implement Endoscopy into Your Practice


Limited to DVMs & RVTs only

Must pre-register, space is limited to 20 registrants max. Additional fee: $450

9:50 AM-5:20 PM (with a 90-minute lunch break from 12:00-1:30 p.m.)

Lecture/Lab session led by Dr. Todd Tams

In this lab, Dr. Todd Tams will discuss the top five applications of endoscopy in small animal practice, tackling GI disease in small animal practice, removing GI foreign bodies, removing nasal foreign bodies, laparoscopic OVE, laparoscopic biopsy and video otoscopy. This will be a combination lecture with a hands-on component. Equipment will be available for attendees to become familiar with basic technique and handling to perform the discussed procedures.


Friday, July 12 and Saturday, July 13

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Basic Ultrasound Lab

Limited to DVMs only

Must pre-register, space is limited to 20 registrants max. Additional fee: $450

Lecture: Friday, July 12, 8:00 AM-12:00 PM

Lab: Saturday, July 13, 8:00 AM-12:00 PM

This course is designed for beginners starting out in ultrasound or as a refresher course on the normal limits of the common abdominal anatomy for an abdominal ultrasound examination. The lecture portion of this course will provide the foundation for interpretation on normal organ size and normal echogenicities for each organ and how to identify the liver, spleen, kidneys, urinary bladder, gallbladder and the segments of the gastrointestinal tract. There will also be a discussion on the spectrum of “normal” for our juvenile patients versus our geriatric patients. There will also be case examples of common pathology or processes seen within the abdomen. The lab portion will be practicing the scanning techniques for the “Big 5” (liver, spleen, left and right kidneys, and bladder), along with the general scanning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Friday, July 12 and Saturday, July 13

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Intermediate Ultrasound Lab

Limited to DVMs only

Must pre-register, space is limited to 20 registrants max. Additional fee: $450

Lecture: Friday, July 12, 1:50 PM-5:30 PM

Lab: Saturday, July 13, 1:50 PM5:30 PM

This course is designed for scanners wanting to advance their basic skill set in ultrasound and to image the smaller anatomy within the abdomen. The lecture portion of this course will provide the foundation for interpretation on normal organ size and normal echogenicities for the smaller organs like pancreas, lymph nodes, and adrenals. There will also be further evaluation of the gastrointestinal tract and tricks for imaging it, along with tricks on how to scan the “deeper” organs like the liver and the head of the spleen. Vascular scanning and mapping will also be discussed. The lab portion will be practicing the scanning techniques for smaller anatomy like pancreas, adrenals, and lymph nodes. There will also be practice in scanning the gastrointestinal tract and identification of all the small bowel and large bowel segments.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

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Recover CPR – Basic and Advanced Life Support Rescuer Certification Workshop

Laboratory open to DVMs RVTs only

Must pre-register, space is limited to 20 registrants max. Additional fee: $450

Please note that no refunds will be given once your information has been submitted to RECOVER and you have been provided with the link to the online portion of the certifying course.

8:00 AM-3:45 PM

How do we best treat animals in cardiopulmonary arrest? Evidence-based veterinary CPR guidelines published by the RECOVER Initiative in 2012 aimed at maximizing patient survival after cardiopulmonary arrest led to the official veterinary CPR certification process approved by the American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care. This course will teach the concepts and techniques of RECOVER Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Life Support (ALS).

The certification process consists of an online course followed by onsite training at the conference. Because of this, participants must have successfully completed the RECOVER online BLS and ALS courses available at recoverinitiative.org. Successful completion of this course grants certification as a RECOVER BLS and ALS Rescuer. Human medical professionals certify in human CPR. Veterinary medical professionals should certify themselves in veterinary CPR!

Registration for the online portion of the certifying course is included in the registration fee of the onsite portion to be held at the conference. Once registration for this lab is complete, participants will be notified with login information for the online portion of the course and must be completed before the onsite portion for the individual to become certified in RECOVER CPR. Refunds will not be provided for registrants who fail to complete the prerequisite online courses prior to the onsite course.


  1. Rapidly recognize patients with cardiopulmonary arrest
  2. Properly administer high-quality chest compressions using the most up-to-date approaches in dogs and cats
  1. Provide mouth-to-snout or intubated ventilation according to current evidence-based guidelines
  1. Utilize effective communication and team skills that will improve your ability to manage emergent and critically ill patients
  1. Choose the most useful monitoring devices for patients in cardiopulmonary arrest and interpret data from them
  1. Rapidly diagnose the arrest ECG rhythm to determine the best ALS therapies for the patient
  1. Administer the most effective drugs and other adjunctive therapies for patients with cardiopulmonary arrest



  1. Complete RECOVER CPR course through RECOVER.
  2. Basic Life Support – 5 hr RACE CE Credit
  3. Advanced Life Support – 3.5 hr RACE CE credit
  4. Provide at least 1.5 months ahead of conference.


  1. Basic Life Support Certification (1.5-2 hr)
  2. Review and practice
  3. Assessment
  4. Advanced Life Support Certification (3.5-4 hr)
  5. Review
  6. Practice with Scenarios
  7. Assessment