8:00 AM-8:50 AM |
Fast & Furious: The Nuts and Bolts of Practice Management
In this session, we will discuss how to enhance your overall understanding of what it takes to successfully manage a veterinary practice.
9:00 AM-9:50 AM |
Top Tips for Personnel Management
In this session, we will cover the top areas that all members of management should have a pulse on when overseeing personnel management. This is a critical time in veterinary medicine, and making sure you cross your t’s and dot your i’s is essential during such a competitive market. Determine what is needed to keep your team motivated, look at key ways to develop and maintain a culture of committed, devoted, and loyal team members, and enhance your ability to monitor performance and hold employees accountable without micromanaging.
10:20 AM-11:10 AM |
Recruiting New Grads: Pay, Benefits, and More!
Recruiting associate veterinarians has drastically changed in the last couple of years. It is more competitive than ever to recruit, hire, and retain DVMs. This session will provide insight on what DVMs really desire and what is needed to stay competitive in your recruiting and retention efforts. This session will provide up-to-date insights on what is truly happening with the current climate of recruiting associate DVMs, tips that will help retain current and newly hired associates, and perspectives on the most common methods of compensation within the profession, and advice on how to oversee them.
11:20 AM-12:10 PM |
Conducting Awesome Performance Evaluations
Standardize your employee performance evaluation process to foster success for all involved. Discover how implementing a structure process will help motivate your healthcare team members and make your process effective and productive for all. Leave with a solid foundation to either begin conducting performance reviews or to take yours to the next level. Provide a structured approach that will motivate your healthcare team members to become better performing employees. Equip managers and supervisors with practical tools and resources that are easy to implement.
2:00 PM-2:50 PM |
Finance: How to Manage Inventory Expenses
Various inventory control systems will be reviewed as well as basic concepts of inventory control like shelf life, re-order point, and re-order quantity. Effectively control inventory within your practice so that it doesn’t control you! This session will cover inventory basics for those just starting out, but will also serve as a nice refresher for those who have inventory struggles and challenges. The discussion will further help educate and inform inventory managers and personnel on getting inventory expenses under control.